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Saturday, July 23, 2011

by the way, also: 'HAPPY PIONEER DAY, Eve!" -The 23rd of July.
Ok, so here is the first post- I think... This is my first attempt at blogging since leaving for China a little less two years ago. Turns out, I was unable to access this particular URL from China, as it was blocked by the Red wall.

Nonetheless, here I am trying once again... Try, try again, until you succceed, eh?

Anyway, WELCOME to my Blog. I hope at the very least it's a window to Joe's world that you can take a look through whenever you find yourself wondering: "What's happening with Joe lately..? or "I wonder what curious thoughts Joe's had lately..? -You know, that sort of thing.

Well, this is the place that I'm hoping you'll find the answers to such questions... A place besides the more common and less personal Facebook pond. I'm hoping here, a little more personal depth may be offered.

So once again: "BUON VENUTO!" al pagina di Guisseppi Verdi